Yellow Vests Movement – Four Years On


24th October, Monday - 31st October, Monday


October 24th and October 31st, 18:00-19:30 PARIS TIME, ONLINE

What actually are the Yellow Vests? What is their chronology? How did (parts of) the left and climate justice scene been interacting with them in France since 2018? What are some learnings we can take with us into our work this autumn, and beyond?

To look into these questions together, join us on the 24th and 31st of October with three speakers who have been involved in different capacities in the Yellow Vests movement in France.

They will share with us their insights and help us bring about a fruitful reflection and discussion on how we can understand and work better with similar movements!

Please note, to avoid misunderstandings and repetitions, you will not be able to join the second webinar if you haven’t joined the first one. You can however join the first one only, but we strongly encourage you to attend both in order to get a deeper understanding of this movement and what lessons you could draw from that for your own organizing.

Simultaneous translation into English and French provided.

Photo by Norbu Gyachung Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Harry Holmes

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