20th October, Tuesday

“There is no distinction between online and offline in daily life, why is there in our protests?”
Digital communications are an integral part of our lives. From staying in touch with our family and friends to reading the description of how digital activism can help your protests just before you sign up for a skillshare, we use it to share information and to communicate.
Think about it, aren’t you already using online platforms already within your movement? This skillshare will support us in finding ways where digital activism helps us reach the goals of our offline actions and aren’t just an additional chore.
The pandemic has changed the terms of the fight we were fighting for a fairer and just world, can digital thinking fill in some of the gaps? Join us on 20th October at 19h00-20h30 CEST and together, we plan to answer that question with examples, group exercises and reflection.
Sign up to register now.
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