25th August, Friday - 26th August, Saturday

August 25-26th, Bobigny (Paris)
Interested in meeting to discuss the existing struggles for (the right to) water, access to commons and the strategic potential of water in the fight for climate justice? Then join in Bobigny (Paris) on August 25th and 26th to meet with like-minded groups and individuals active in Europe (but not only!) and explore what is already happening and what is maybe possible.
This meeting will be hosted as part of the French Summer University of Social Movements and Solidarities, starting on August 23rd. Many of the sessions of that summer university will be translated, so don’t be shy about joining. The discussion on water will be fully in English.
What now?
(1) Register HERE
(2) After the meeting: Starting the very next day, an international peasants’ struggles gathering is taking place not too far from Paris, in Bure (historic place of resistance against nuclear energy). You’re very much invited to tag along and continue the discussion in this space to broaden our perspectives and network!
Where is the meeting?
23 avenue de la Convention, Bobigny 93000 (France). It is taking place in the buildings of the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. You will receive more logistical information by email closer to the date.
You can read the draft programme here.
Harry Holmes