04th March, Thursday - 04th March, Thursday

Time: 19h00 to 21h00 CET
“The Universe is made of stories, not of atoms.” – Muriel Rukeyser
What worldviews are we reinforcing with our actions? What stories and perspectives are we lifting up? How can confrontational activism offer glimpses of a different world? In times of massive greenwashing, intentional confusion, and voluntary ignorance, it is time to not only fight back – but to go on the offensive – not just challenging stories and ideas, but hacking them, subverting them and undermining them to offer other views of the world.
This theoretical workshop that looks at dozens of examples of the most creative – and effective – tactics being used by the global climate justice movement to create change. Using these inspiring examples as “case studies” we will collectively look at how public-facing activism can be a tool to visiblize, question, intervene in, and transform dominant societal narratives. The workshop focuses on the theory and tactics of “narrative intervention” and “guerrilla communication”, that understand creative activism and direct action as tactics not just to change the physical world, but to also change the story of the world – opening up space for new ideas and launching new concepts into the public consciousness. Basically, the antidote to greenwashing….
Kevin Buckland -from cardboard circuses to creative direct action. Kevin is a Barcelona-based artivist, storyteller, and a co-director of The Artivist Network. He has been training on creative activism inside the global climate justice movement since 2007 and was the Global Artivist Coordinator with 350.org from 2009- 2015. He has given hundreds of trainings, workshops and training-for-trainers on 5 continents, is a contributor to Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution, and is deeply engaged in local and national climate justice organizing. He not only believes in magic, he believes its necessary.
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