World Congress for Climate Justice (IT)
FFF Milano, XR Milano, Ultima Generazione, Ecologia Politica, Piano Terra, Macao, Scientist Rebellion Italia, ARI – Associazione Rurale Italiana, OffTopic, Institute of Radical Imagination, and all the social centers of Milano invite you to the World Congress for Climate Justice, to be held in the city on October 12-15, 2023. The initiative is endorsed by the Transnational Social Strike Platform, Bologna for Climate Justice, Torino Climate Social Camp, brotherly and sisterly Liège autonomists, plus a host of intellectuals (including Francesca Coin and Andreas Malm) and activists from Berlin, Rome, London, Stockholm, Osaka, Kampala, New York, and many other cities around the world.
We ask movements in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas to send delegates to Milano to deliberate on how to constitute the radical faction of the climate movement and strategize intersectionally to defeat fossil capitalism.