Call for marches against the cost of living and climate crisis across Europe September 30th.

This September we will gather in the cities and the squares of Europe, demanding price controls over all essential sectors – those which governments didn’t hesitate to force to keep on working during the last pandemic – and imposing the cost on the multimillionaires which live of the rents and stocks of these companies. They’ve hidden their loot in tax havens and dodgy schemes, but the choice of letting their crimes continue is a political one which we refuse. We have paid, more than enough. Now, they will pay. We demand an overhaul of the current energy and transport system based on fossil fuels, which drives prices through the roof, and the deployment of decentralised, community-based and democratically controlled renewable energies and public transport systems, to achieve the massive cuts climate science tell us is our only chance to prevent a catastrophic outcome.

We call on all social movements to come with us on this day, with your bodies, your imagination, your willpower and your rage, with your banners and your families, your friends and your allies, and join us. You can come from a housing movement, from a climate justice group, a trade union or an energy cooperative. Bring your local association and your student union, your discussion group or come by yourself. We’ve had enough and we will not take it anymore. Our time has come and, together, we will stop the catastrophic path they are setting us into.


Sep 30 2023


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